Creative Project
(Re)Branding "neurotum"

Creative Project

Creative Project

Rebranding ideas for NeuroTUM, a student club based at the Technical University Munich for students focused on the intersection of neuroscience and engineering. They are developing a brain-computer-interface (BCI) to non-invasively decode electrical signals into precise control signals using Deep Learning architectures. They are considering a future rebrand which motivated me to create a mockup of their potential future website including a new logo.

Current Landing Page

Neurotum's current landing page is by all means not bad. The chosen imagery and the hero section informs the user directly about the area Neurotum is operating in and provides a solid summary about the purpose of this student organization.

Potential areas of improvement:

  • Highlighting CTAs and neurotum's color scheme

  • Stronger contrasts in the hero section

  • Increase of viewer immersion and visual appeal

New Landing Page

A potential refresh includes a stronger display of their original color theme. Additionally a background video loop displaying neural connection increases the viewer's immersion. This eye catcher emphasizes the purpose and area of operation.

Points for discussion

  • Image instead of video background in case it is considered too immersive

  • Alternate logo designs

Alternate logo design

As previously mentioned, a potential logo update may help neurotum distinguish themselves from other student associations while building a distinctive brand identity. To create a memorable logo I chose to include elements inspired by neural connections. Additionally, I designed the letters "N" from "Neuro" and a more subtle "T" from "TUM" to maintain the purpose and origin of this ambitious association.

The following images display a few light and dark color variations.


The brand and web design suggestions I am sharing here have been created for educational purposes only and do not replace any professional advice. This volunteer support was a fun experience to unleash my creativity and support a befriended student association.